Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs (For Grades 7-12)

How do I enroll at Myron B. Thompson Academy?

An “Enroll Now” link will be visible on the school website. Otherwise, enrollment is closed.

Is Myron B. Thompson Academy Accredited?

Myron B. Thompson Academy is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). All core courses are NCAA approved for college bound athletes. Myron B. Thompson Academy is a public Hawaii State Charter School. All credits earned at Thompson Academy will be accepted by other K-12 public schools, colleges, universities, military and employers. Graduates earn a State of Hawaii high school diploma.

Is Myron B. Thompson Academy available to everyone?

Students residing on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, Molokai and Hawaii are welcome to enroll in Myron B. Thompson Academy. If you child is eligible for special education or section 504, a meeting may be held at the beginning of the school year to ensure that the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or Modification Plan (MP) can be fully implemented at Myron B. Thompson Academy.

How do I know if distance education or online learning is right for me?

Many different types of students can benefit from taking online courses. Students who are self-directed, highly self-motivated and responsible will do well in our school.

What is the cost?

Myron B. Thompson Academy is a publicly funded school and there is no tuition. However, there is a $45 non-refundable laptop issuance fee.

I have my own computer or laptop, can I use it for my online courses?

No, you are only to use the laptop provided by the school. You will need to have your own high speed internet connection at your home. Myron B. Thompson Academy technical support does not provide technical support for your internet connection. Make sure your ISP is reliable and set up correctly for wireless connectivity.

What if the student has questions or problems about the courses?

Thompson Academy instructors are available by e-mail, phone or in person by appointment. We desire that all students succeed and therefore, look forward to interacting with you regularly. Each student is assigned a counselor who is available during regular school hours. Scheduling an appointment would be appreciated. Students may also request tutoring assistance via their teacher or counselor.

Is Myron B. Thompson Academy less challenging or easier than other traditional high schools?

As an accredited elementary and secondary school, Myron B. Thompson Academy adheres to the highest standards required of a public school in Hawaii. Our courses are based at or above grade level and many are considered college prep courses. The flexibility of an online school is often challenged by the rigor that makes it more difficult than a traditional, accredited high school. Standard courses are offered and similar and higher course standards are expected and met.
A daily average of two to three hours of study time in each course is recommended. Reading the course content independently is required and the student is expected to demonstrate initiative in emailing any questions about the course material or assignment to the instructor. The student is expected to continue on with another assignment until an answer is received. To assist students, teachers may schedule face-to-face or virtual class meetings. Many instructors now require students to engage in interactive web and audio conferencing via the technology tools provided them.
Real-life projects are assigned to enable students to practice critical thinking skills by applying the knowledge they have acquired.

Is there a set schedule?

Yes, all of our courses have deadlines for assignments and mandatory testing is scheduled at the end of each session. Some instructors may require you to meet online or face-to-face at a specific time. We follow a block schedule. See school year Calendar.

Do I ever have to come to the campus?

Yes, students will have face to face proctored (supervised) End of Course Exams (EOC) for selected courses, mandatory statewide assessments, and as directed by respective disciplines.

As a parent, will I be kept informed of my student's progress?

Parent may log into Canvas using their child's username and password. Grades will be viewable daily through the student's course Gradebook. Instructors will have parent's personal email and will be sending updates or information regarding their child's progress. Parents will be given access to a PowerSchool account where they are able to view current grades at weeks 3, 5, 7 of every quarter. We believe that a parent's involvement in their child's education is critical to progress.

What types of students attend Thompson Academy?

Students who are athletes and/or performers; students who benefit from flexible school hours and want to work or attend college during the day; students who prefer an accelerated academic program; and students who are unable to attend a traditional school due to a long term illness attend Myron B. Thompson Academy.